Feasting on Wild Duck: An Outdoor Pit Experience.

By | April 1, 2024

They are eager to share their unique experience of feasting on wild duck cooked in an outdoor pit. Join them as they delve into the delicious adventure of preparing and enjoying this traditional culinary delight.

Feasting on Wild Duck: An Outdoor Pit Experience


In the realm of outdoor cooking, where sizzling meats and aromatic herbs reign supreme, the BBQ Pit Boys have carved out a niche of their own. Their latest video showcases The Warden, adorned in his signature apron, taking on the challenge of cooking Wild Duck at the Pit. This tantalizing adventure involves marinating succulent duck breasts in SPG seasoning and water, wrapping them in crisp bacon, and searing them to perfection on a scorching hot cast iron.

The Warden’s Culinary Expedition

  • The video features The Warden, a seasoned Pitmaster, taking the helm in preparing a delectable Wild Duck dish.
  • The duck breasts undergo a flavorful transformation as they soak up the rich SPG seasoning and water mixture, enhancing their natural taste.

Hearth of Flavor: Bacon-Wrapped Delight

  • Bacon-wrapped duck takes center stage on the grill, releasing mouth-watering aromas that beckon all around.
  • The sizzle of the bacon meeting the heat of the cast iron creates a symphony of flavors that promises a tantalizing feast.

A Culinary Triumph: Perfectly Cooked Duck

  • To achieve culinary nirvana, the duck should be cooked to almost rare inside, allowing its natural juices to mingle with the smoky essence of the Pit.
  • The Pitmaster’s expertise shines as he skillfully navigates the cooking process, ensuring a dish that tantalizes taste buds and ignites culinary passions.

Delicacy of Wild Duck: A Rare Treat

  • Wood duck meat, considered a special culinary indulgence, promises a unique and unforgettable dining experience.
  • The dish appeals to connoisseurs of wild game, offering a glimpse into the rich flavors of nature’s bounty.

Embracing Local Bounty: Supporting Hunters

  • The recipe not only highlights the unique flavor of wild duck but also underscores the importance of supporting local hunters and sustainable food practices.
  • The Pitmaster’s emphasis on sourcing ingredients from local hunters adds a dash of authenticity and community spirit to the culinary journey.


In conclusion, the BBQ Pit Boys’ video featuring The Warden’s culinary prowess in preparing Wild Duck at the Pit offers a tantalizing glimpse into the world of outdoor cooking. From marinating the duck breasts in SPG seasoning to savoring the perfectly cooked bacon-wrapped delicacy, this culinary adventure is a feast for the senses. With a nod to the unique flavors of wood duck meat and a call to support local hunters, this recipe stands as a testament to the joys of savoring nature’s bounty.


  1. What makes wood duck meat a special treat for culinary enthusiasts?
  2. How does marinating the duck breasts in SPG seasoning enhance their flavor profile?
  3. Why is cooking the duck almost rare inside essential for a delectable dining experience?
  4. How does bacon wrapping elevate the taste and texture of the Wild Duck dish?
  5. What message does The Pitmaster convey by emphasizing the importance of supporting local hunters?

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